I-40 take exit 148 (Statesville West Exit). Turn
westbound onto Highway 64 for 7 miles. Turn
right toward Stony Point at Stony Point sign, go 0.3 miles to stop sign. Turn
left onto highway 90 for 2.0 miles. Turn
right onto Cheatham Ford Rd (campground sign). Travel
1.8 miles on Cheatham Ford Rd. Turn
right onto Huckleberry Ridge Rd (campground sign). Travel .5
miles; turn right on Princess Lane (campground sign) (gravel drive to the
campground). |
HiddeNite Family Campground P.O.
Box 547 601
Princess Lane Hiddenite,
NC 28636 828-632-3815 Just 12 miles North of Statesville, North Carolina see MAP Email chevelle@starband.net |